
Importing SSL Certificates

To enable secure communication (HTTPS protocol) between the outside consumer and certain services, you will need to specify an SSL certificate that you have already imported into your domain. The following steps explain how to import an SSL certificate into Zadara IaaS.

In the Menu > Account Management > Certificates view, click Import. The Import Certificate dialog is displayed, and include the following properties:

  1. Name - Enter the name of the certificate.

  2. Certificate - The certificate file is the end-user certificate for your domain which you received from the certificate authority. Drop the certificate file in the designated area, -or- Browse to the location.

  3. Private Key - The private key file is the file which contains the private key which matches your certificate. Drop the private key file in the designated area, -or- Browse to the location.

  4. Certificate Chain (optional) - The Certificate Chain file includes all of the intermediate certificates, if relevant, and the root certificate. Drop the certificate chain file in the designated area, -or- Browse to the location.

  5. Click OK. You have now imported an SSL certificate which can be used by services which require secure communication.