
How to Create a Private Network

The following procedure describes how to create a private network from the Zadara Cloud Services GUI.

  1. In the second Networking section of the Menu, click on the Networks option. This displays the Networking > Networks view.

  2. Click on the Create button. The Create Private Network wizard is displyed in the Network tab.

  3. Enter the Name of the private network.

  4. Select the Project which will own this network.


    This field is displayed, only if you are an ‘Admin’ user.

  5. Leave the the Guest Pool default at ‘Auto Select’.


    This field too, is displayed only if you are an ‘Admin’ user.

  6. Click Next. This displays the Subnet step.

  7. Enter the subnet in CIDR format.


    It is good practice to select your CIDR range, from one of the standard non-routable, private network IP address ranges. For example: -

  8. Leave DHCP checked.

  9. Click Finish. You have now created a private virtual network and subnet.

  10. To see this private network in the Network Topology view, click the Overview button.

  11. Verify that you are in the Legacy View. You can now see the private network that you just created.

Attaching a Network to a Virtual Machine

During the creation of a VM, you must attach it to an existing network. However, after the creation of a VM, you can also attach to it another network.

One network can be attached to numerous VMs, and one VM can be attached to numerous networks.

To attach a network to VM:

  1. In the Networks view, locate the network you want to attach to an existing VM, and click the Actions button on the right.

A pop-up menu appears:

  • or -

In the Networks widget, locate the network you want to attach, and click it to open its view:

  1. Click the Attach option.

The Attach Network dialog box appears:

  1. Select the VM you want to attach to the network from the Virtual Machine drop-down list, and click OK.

The selected VM is now attached to this network, in addition to the network to which it was attached during its creation procedure:

Detaching a Network from a Virtual Machine

A VM cannot be created without a network. However, you can change the network that is currently attached to a VM by detaching it, and attaching another network to the VM. Before detaching a network from a running VM, it is recommended to stop the VM.

To detach a network from a VM

  1. In the Networking->Networks view click a Network name.

  2. In the Networks view, select the VM tab and click the Actions icon.

The Network view shows the VMs that are connected to the network on the VMs tab.

Note: You can also detach a network from a selected VM view.

  1. In the VMs tab, locate the VM you want to detach from the network and click the Actions icon, and select the Detach option.

The VM will be detached from the network.

Deleting a Network

Before deleting a network, make sure that it is not attached to any running VMs.

To delete a network:

  1. In the Networking->Networks view, locate the network you want to delete, and click the Actions icon on the right.

One of the options is Delete.

  1. Click the Delete option.

A confirmation message appears, asking you to approve the deletion:

  1. To delete the network, click OK.

The network will be deleted from the system.

Testing Network Connectivity

To test the connectivity between a legacy Network and a specific IP address.

Using the GUI

  1. In the Networking > Networks **view for a given network click on the **Test Connectivity button.
    This pops up the Test Connectivity of Network dialog for the given network.


  2. Enter a Destination IP address

  3. Select ping or arping. Remember: Ping, which checks Layer 3 connectivity, is blocked by security-group filtering. Arping, which checks Layer 2 connectivity, bypasses security-group filtering.

  4. Click OK.

    1. A notice pops up informing you that the connectivity test is taking place.

    2. A few seconds later, another notice pops up with a status report of the test whether it succeeded or failed, together with relevant connectivity test details. This status report is also available in the right-hand sidebar.

Using the CLI

  1. The ‘guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip create’ command with which you can test a network’s connectivity requires the ID of the given network (see ‘entity_id’ below).


    ‘–command-type’ is either ‘ping’ (default) or ‘arping’

    guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip create [-h]
                                       [-f {adaptive_table,json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                       [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                       [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                       [-m [NAME=VALUE [NAME=VALUE ...]]
                                       [--command-type COMMAND_TYPE]
                                       [--name NAME]
                                       entity_id dest_ip
  2. Run the ‘virt-network net-list’ command to locate the ID of  Network-1.

    virt-network net-list -c id -c name
  3. This returns a list of networks and their IDs.

    | id                                   | name                                                |
    | 3622583e-166c-4b2b-b49e-0d0a7944be73 | Network-1                                           |
  4. Test connectivity of Network-1 to the destination IP address

    guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip create 3622583e-166c-4b2b-b49e-0d0a7944be73
  5. This returns a temporary, pending status of the network’s connectivity, together with the ID of the ping_ip.

    | id           | 62f81ebd-f134-4f75-b4cd-31931484695d |
    | name         | none                                 |
    | status       | pending                              |
    | command_type | ping                                 |
    | created_at   | 2019-05-08T13:31:14.328200           |
    | dest_ip      |                              |
    | entity_id    | 3622583e-166c-4b2b-b49e-0d0a7944be73 |
    | output       | -                                    |
    | project_id   | 09342acbb4a6473a9f405f186e0c6aa4     |
    | updated_at   | 2019-05-08T13:31:14.328210           |
    | user_id      | admin                                |
  6. Wait a few seconds and then request the final status of Network-1’s connectivity test by using the ‘guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip get ping_ip_id‘.

    guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip get 62f81ebd-f134-4f75-b4cd-31931484695d

This returns the final, succeeded/failed status of Network-1’s connectivity test with relevant output details.

| id           | 62f81ebd-f134-4f75-b4cd-31931484695d                           |
| name         | none                                                           |
| status       | succeeded                                                      |
| command_type | ping                                                           |
| created_at   | 2019-05-08T13:31:14                                            |
| dest_ip      |                                                        |
| entity_id    | 3622583e-166c-4b2b-b49e-0d0a7944be73                           |
|              +----------------------------------------------------------------+
| output       | PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.                   |
|              | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=118 time=53.7 ms         |
|              | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=118 time=53.0 ms         |
|              |                                                                |
|              | --- ping statistics ---                                |
|              | 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1000ms |
|              | rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 53.048/53.423/53.799/0.440 ms           |
|              +----------------------------------------------------------------+
| project_id   | 09342acbb4a6473a9f405f186e0c6aa4                               |
| updated_at   | 2019-05-08T13:31:16                                            |
| user_id      | admin                                                          |

All connectivity testing information is automatically deleted after approximately one hour.

Additional options for Network (Networking) Connectivity Testing

  1. Delete a specific network connectivity test

    guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip delete ping_ip_id
  2. List all ping_ip requests

    guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip list