
  • Introduction to Routers

  • How to Create a Virtual Router

  • Testing Router Connectivity

Introduction to Routers

In the main Menu, select Networking - Routers. The Networking > Routers view is displayed.

For each router the following information is provided:

  1. Name - The name of the router.

  2. Status - The router’s status, whether Active or not

  3. External Gateway - The edge network to which the router is attached.

  4. Public IP - The router’s public recognized address.

  5. Attached Networks - The Networks which are attached to the router.

  6. Account - The account which owns the router.

How to Create a Virtual Router


Testing Router Connectivity

To test the connectivity between a legacy Router and a specific IP address:

Using the GUI

  1. In the Networking > Routers view for a given router, click on the Test Connectivity button. image1 This pops up the Test Connectivity of Router dialog for the given Router. image2

  2. Enter a Destination IP address

  3. Select ping or arping. Remember: Ping, which checks Layer 3 connectivity, is blocked by security-group filtering. Arping, which checks Layer 2 connectivity, bypasses security-group filtering.

  4. Click OK.

    1. A notice pops up informing you that the connectivity test is taking place.

    2. A few seconds later, another notice pops up with a status report of the test whether it succeeded or failed, together with relevant connectivity test details. This status report is also available in the right-hand sidebar.

    3. Remember: If there is no connectivity when arping the connectivity of a network it may be due to one of two reasons:

      • There is no suitable interface on the network through which to arping. In this case the error message is: “Did not find interface for arping command.”

      • There is a suitable interface but there is no response. In this case an error message showing the discrepancy between number of broadcasts vs. number of responses will pop-up, as shown below: ARPING from ns-e89084af-12 Sent 2 probes (2 broadcast(s)) Received 0 response(s) ; error= ; status=1

Using the CLI

  1. The ‘guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip create’ command with which you can test a router’s connectivity requires the ID of the given router (see ‘entity_id’ below). Note: ’–command-type’ is either ‘ping’ (default) or ‘arping’

    guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip create [-h]
                                       [-f {adaptive_table,json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                       [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                       [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                       [-m [NAME=VALUE [NAME=VALUE ...]]]
                                       [--command-type COMMAND_TYPE]
                                       [--name NAME]
                                       entity_id dest_ip
  2. Run the ‘virt-network router-list’ command to locate the ID of  Router-1.

    virt-network router-list -c id -c name
  3. This returns a list of routers and their IDs.

    | id                                   | name                                                |
    | 2982ae3c-7a13-4916-a7b7-f97cb3ee9b4d | Router-1                                            |
  4. Test connectivity of Router-1 to the destination IP address

    guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip create 2982ae3c-7a13-4916-a7b7-f97cb3ee9b4d
  5. This returns a temporary, pending status of the router’s connectivity, together with the ID of the ping_ip.

    | id           | b59404cc-0d19-4633-b4c9-53c36f0944f1 |
    | name         | none                                 |
    | status       | pending                              |
    | command_type | ping                                 |
    | created_at   | 2019-05-12T06:25:42.983168           |
    | dest_ip      |                              |
    | entity_id    | 2982ae3c-7a13-4916-a7b7-f97cb3ee9b4d |
    | output       | -                                    |
    | project_id   | a3654f7207734613a71774824312d225     |
    | updated_at   | 2019-05-12T06:25:42.983191           |
    | user_id      | admin                                |
  6. Wait a few seconds and then request the final status of Router-1’s connectivity test by using the ‘guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip get ping_ip_id’, as follows.

    guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip get b59404cc-0d19-4633-b4c9-53c36f0944f1

This returns the final, succeeded/failed status of Router-1’s connectivity test with relevant output details.

| id           | b59404cc-0d19-4633-b4c9-53c36f0944f1                           |
| name         | none                                                           |
| status       | succeeded                                                      |
| command_type | ping                                                           |
| created_at   | 2019-05-12T06:25:42                                            |
| dest_ip      |                                                        |
| entity_id    | 2982ae3c-7a13-4916-a7b7-f97cb3ee9b4d                           |
|              +----------------------------------------------------------------+
| output       | PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.                   |
|              | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=119 time=59.4 ms         |
|              | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=119 time=53.0 ms         |
|              |                                                                |
|              | --- ping statistics ---                                |
|              | 2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1001ms |
|              | rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 53.076/56.246/59.416/3.170 ms           |
|              |                                                                |
|              +----------------------------------------------------------------+
| project_id   | a3654f7207734613a71774824312d225                               |
| updated_at   | 2019-05-12T06:25:45                                            |
| user_id      | admin                                                          |

All connectivity testing information is automatically deleted after approximately one hour.

Additional Commands for Router (Networking) Connectivity Testing

  1. Delete a specific router connectivity test

    guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip delete ping_ip_id
  2. List all ping_ip requests

    guestnet-admin-tool ping-ip list