Managing Command Center Users And Roles

Command center provides role based user management functionality.
Granular per-activity user roles can be defined and assigned to command center user accounts.
Users and roles settings can be reached by clicking the image111 icon on the upper right corner of the screen
and selecting the users\roles options on the drop down menu.

Managing Roles

By default a view only non modifiable role with access to all managed resources exists in the system. Additional Roles can be defined as required.


Defining a new custom role

To define a new custom Role: click on the Create new role button and define the exact permission you would like to assign to the new role. Name the new role and click create to confirm creation. The newly created role with the specified permissions can be viewed from the roles screen.


The ‘select all’ or ‘import role’ options can be used to simplify and shorten role creation process.

Editing a custom role

To edit a custom role click on the downward arrow icon on right side of the screen and select the Edit option from the drop down menu. The edit role screen will load, Modify the custom role as required and click on the update button to apply modifications.


Deleting a custom role

To edit a custom role click on the downward arrow icon on right side of the screen and select the Destroy option from the drop down menu. A confirmation message will appear, Click on confirm to delete the custom role.

Managing Command Center Users

Defining a new local user

In the users management screen click on the create new user button


Provide the users email address (that will serve as his Command center user id), First and last name tick the admin checkbox if this user requires full administrative privileges or select a specific role to assign for the user and click on the Create button. A confirmation message will be displayed specifying that the newly created user will be emailed with a temporary password for his first login.


On the first login to Command center the newly created user will be prompted to replace his temporary password.

Disabling a local user

From the users management screen locate the user you would like to disable and click on the downward arrow button on the right side of the screen.


On the drop down menu select Disable, A confirmation message will appear on the upper part of the screen and the users enabled property will be set to No.

Deleting a local user

From the users management screen locate the user you would like to disable and click on the downward arrow button on the right side of the screen.

On the drop down menu select Delete, A popup windows requesting confirmation will appear, review that the user id about to be deleted is correct and click on confirm to perform deletion.

Importing users from an external directory

Defining connection to a directory server

To import users from an external directory service a connection to the service has to be defined. From Command center main dashboard click the image111 icon on the upper right corner of the screen and select Remote Authentication from the drop down menu. Click on the Add Authentication Server button and provide the required details for the external directory connection.





Directory type (currently AD LADP is supported)


FQDN for the Domain


Short name for the domain


LDAP service port

Base DN

DN for user search (format: CN=x,DN=y)


IP of the Domain DNS server


Alternate DNS IP


Whether to use SSL encrypted communication to the DC

After filling all required information click on the Save button to define the external directory.

Importing domain users

From the users screen click on the import directory users button. Select the domain name for the directory server you defined and type the logon credentials for domain connectivity. A pop up screen containing a list of domain users will appear, Select the ones you would like to allow command center logon for.


Same as with creating a local user; each imported user can be assigned with a role that will determine its specific privileges.


After confirming creation the imported users will appear on the command center users list, Imported can be differentiated from local users via the domain property displayed on the users management screen.
