Elastic IPs


Elastic IPs (EIPs) are used to expose instances and managed services outside of Zadara Cloud Services. An EIP will be used in the network address operation (NAT) of all traffic to/from the virtual network interface with which it is associated.

  1. You first allocate an Elastic IP address for use in a VPC, and then associate it with an elastic network interface (ENI) in your VPC. An EIP can be associated with only one ENI at a time.

  2. An EIP may be attached only to an ENI that is in a VPC with an internet gateway.

For more information on EIPs, see: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-eips.html .

Allocating an Elastic IP with the UI

  1. Navigate to Networking > Elastic IPs.

  2. From the top toolbar, click Allocate.

  3. In the Allocate Elastic IP dialog, click OK.

  4. The new Elastic IP will appear in the displayed list with the following information:

    • Elastic IP

    • Private IP - once the EIP is associated with a VPC which includes a NAT Gateway, it will be associated with a private IP within the private subnet range for the VPC

    • Instance - VPC NAT gateway instance with which the EIP is associated.

    • VPC - VPC with which EIP is associated.

    • Public DNS

Elastic IP Operations

After creation of an EIP, it will be displayed in the EIP list in the Networking > Elastic IP view. The following operations can be performed by selecting an EIP from the list, and clicking the appropriate icon from the top toolbar.

  • Detach - detach EIP from NAT gateway instance.

  • Delete - delete EIP.