
event count


usage: symp event count

                        [-h] [-f {adaptive_table,json,shell,table,value,yaml}]                           [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>] [--noindent]
                        [--prefix PREFIX] [-m [NAME=VALUE [NAME=VALUE ...]]]
                        [--event-type [EVENT_TYPE [EVENT_TYPE ...]]]
                        [--entity-type [ENTITY_TYPE [ENTITY_TYPE ...]]]
                        [--entity-id [ENTITY_ID [ENTITY_ID ...]]]
                        [--severity [SEVERITY [SEVERITY ...]]]
                        [--start-timestamp START_TIMESTAMP]
                        [--end-timestamp END_TIMESTAMP] [--limit LIMIT]
                        [--offset OFFSET]
                        [--project-id [PROJECT_ID [PROJECT_ID ...]]]
                        [--hostname [HOSTNAME [HOSTNAME ...]]]
                        [--request-id [REQUEST_ID [REQUEST_ID ...]]]
                        [--user-id [USER_ID [USER_ID ...]]]
                        [--group-by GROUP_BY]


Get count of events filtered by given params and group by specific field - default: severity. If param value is None or [] it will not be used for filtering.


Returns dict: Dictionary of counts of events matching the provided filters


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --event-type [EVENT_TYPE [EVENT_TYPE ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --entity-type [ENTITY_TYPE [ENTITY_TYPE ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --entity-id [ENTITY_ID [ENTITY_ID ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --severity [SEVERITY [SEVERITY ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --start-timestamp START_TIMESTAMP
                        Start of query period (milliseconds since epoch), by default - 1 hour back
  --end-timestamp END_TIMESTAMP
                        End of query period (milliseconds since epoch), by default - now
  --limit LIMIT         Limit amount of events (default: 50)
  --offset OFFSET       Offset to paginate the results (default: None)
  --project-id [PROJECT_ID [PROJECT_ID ...]]
                        If the user is system admin, the project ID will be used to filter events if it is not
                        None, else, the project_id will be overriden with the users project ID
  --hostname [HOSTNAME [HOSTNAME ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --request-id [REQUEST_ID [REQUEST_ID ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --user-id [USER_ID [USER_ID ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --group-by GROUP_BY   Count and group by specific field (default: severity)

event definition create


  usage: symp event definition create
[-f {adaptive_table,json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                      [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                      [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                      [-m [NAME=VALUE [NAME=VALUE ...]]]
                                      [--project-id PROJECT_ID]
                                      [--filter-duration FILTER_DURATION]
                                      [--filter-fields [FILTER_FIELDS [FILTER_FIELDS ...]]]
                                      event_type entity_type severity
                                      display_name description_templates


Register new event type.


positional arguments:
  event_type            The auxiliary event name
  entity_type           The event is reported for entity (i.e. vm|node|user, etc)
  severity              The severity of the event
  display_name          Will be displayed to user
                        A map from the event sub-type to the description template for this subtype.
                        the template will be complemented with the values for the particular event entry. If only a single event
                        subtype exists, you can use a 'default' as a key for its description template


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --project-id PROJECT_ID
                        Project id to create the event_type in (admin only)
  --filter-duration FILTER_DURATION
                        Duration in seconds to check for duplicate events before submission.
                        Only one event with the same values (according to the filter_fields) will be submitted to the queue in
                        a filter_duration second interval
  --filter-fields [FILTER_FIELDS [FILTER_FIELDS ...]]
                        A list of fields to decide on duplicated event.
                        In case an auxiliary field is required (from the description_template) prefix with "auxiliary:".
                        for example: using "project_id", "auxiliary:origin_ip" will cause two events to be treated as duplicated
                        if their event_type, project_id, and origin_ip (in the auxiliary parameters) are identical

event definition get


  usage: symp event definition get
[-f {adaptive_table,json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                   [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                   [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                   [-m [NAME=VALUE [NAME=VALUE ...]]]


Get the details of the requested event.


Returns dict: The requested event details


positional arguments:
  event_type            Requested event type


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

event definition list


  usage: symp event definition list
[-f {adaptive_table,csv,json,table,value,yaml}]
                                    [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                    [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                    [-m [NAME=VALUE [NAME=VALUE ...]]]
                                    [--entity-type ENTITY_TYPE]
                                    [--severity SEVERITY]


Get a list event definitions.


Returns list: List of event definitions


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --entity-type ENTITY_TYPE
                        Filter by entity_type, if the param equals None, don't filter (default: None)
  --severity SEVERITY   The severity of the event

event definition update


  usage: symp event definition update
[-f {adaptive_table,json,shell,table,value,yaml}]
                                      [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>]
                                      [--noindent] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                      [-m [NAME=VALUE [NAME=VALUE ...]]]
                                      [--severity SEVERITY]
                                      [--description-templates DESCRIPTION_TEMPLATES]
                                      [--filter-duration FILTER_DURATION]
                                      [--filter-fields [FILTER_FIELDS [FILTER_FIELDS ...]]]


Register new event type.


positional arguments:
  event_type            The event id


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --severity SEVERITY   The severity of the event
  --description-templates DESCRIPTION_TEMPLATES
                        A map from the event sub-type to the description template for this subtype.
                        the template will be complemented with the values for the particular event entry. If only a single event
                        subtype exists, you can use a 'default' as a key for its description template
  --filter-duration FILTER_DURATION
                        Duration in seconds to check for duplicate events before submission.
                        Only one event with the same values (according to the filter_fields) will be submitted to the queue in
                        a filter_duration second interval
  --filter-fields [FILTER_FIELDS [FILTER_FIELDS ...]]
                        A list of fields to decide on duplicated event.
                        In case an auxiliary field is required (from the description_template) prefix with "auxiliary:".
                        for example: using "project_id", "auxiliary:origin_ip" will cause two events to be treated as duplicated
                        if their event_type, project_id, and origin_ip (in the auxiliary parameters) are identical

event query


usage: symp event query

                        [-h] [-f {adaptive_table,csv,json,table,value,yaml}]                           [-c COLUMN] [--max-width <integer>] [--noindent]
                        [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                        [-m [NAME=VALUE [NAME=VALUE ...]]]
                        [--event-type [EVENT_TYPE [EVENT_TYPE ...]]]
                        [--entity-type [ENTITY_TYPE [ENTITY_TYPE ...]]]
                        [--entity-id [ENTITY_ID [ENTITY_ID ...]]]
                        [--severity [SEVERITY [SEVERITY ...]]]
                        [--start-timestamp START_TIMESTAMP]
                        [--end-timestamp END_TIMESTAMP] [--limit LIMIT]
                        [--offset OFFSET]
                        [--project-id [PROJECT_ID [PROJECT_ID ...]]]
                        [--hostname [HOSTNAME [HOSTNAME ...]]]
                        [--request-id [REQUEST_ID [REQUEST_ID ...]]]
                        [--user-id [USER_ID [USER_ID ...]]]


Get system events filtered by given params. If param value is None or [] it will not be used for filtering.


Returns list: List of events matching the provided filters, ordered by time stamp, most recent event first


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --event-type [EVENT_TYPE [EVENT_TYPE ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --entity-type [ENTITY_TYPE [ENTITY_TYPE ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --entity-id [ENTITY_ID [ENTITY_ID ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --severity [SEVERITY [SEVERITY ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --start-timestamp START_TIMESTAMP
                        Start of query period (milliseconds since epoch), by default - 1 hour back
  --end-timestamp END_TIMESTAMP
                        End of query period (milliseconds since epoch), by default - now
  --limit LIMIT         Limit amount of events (default: 50)
  --offset OFFSET       Offset to paginate the results (default: None)
  --project-id [PROJECT_ID [PROJECT_ID ...]]
                        If the user is system admin, the project ID will be used to filter events if it is not
                        None, else, the project_id will be overriden with the users project ID
  --hostname [HOSTNAME [HOSTNAME ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --request-id [REQUEST_ID [REQUEST_ID ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)
  --user-id [USER_ID [USER_ID ...]]
                        Filter by (default: None)