Viewing Engine Properties

Command Center allows cloud administrator to view all Virtual Private Storage Array engine types available for deployment on the cloud. To view VPSA engine properties navigate to Command Center Engines section from the left menu pane.

The VPSA engine types presented in this section are:

  • VPSA IO engines

  • VPSA app engines

  • VPSA composite engines

Toggling between the engine types is done via the tabs section in the top part of the dialog”


VPSA IO engines properties

For VPSA IO engines the following properties are presented:





IO Engine Name

Internal Type

internal type used by Nova for this engine


Single virtual controller RAM requirement for this IO engine


Single virtual controller VCPUs requirement for this IO engine

VPSAs / Object Storage

Count of VPSAs in this cloud with this engine type

VPSA APP engines properties

For VPSA APP engines the following properties are presented:





APP Engine Name

Internal Type

internal type used by Nova for this engine


RAM requirement for this APP engine


VCPUs requirement for this APP engine

VPSAs / Object Storage

Count of VPSAs in this cloud with this APP engine type allocated to them

VPSA composite engines properties

For VPSA composite engines the following properties are presented:





Composite engine type

Controller Instance Type

link to image used for composite controller instances

Data Policy Partition Power

Swift partition power used for data policies for this composite engine type

Dedicated Controller Vcs

count of dedicated controller VCs deployed for this composite engine type

Enable ZELB On Object Storage Creation

Wether Zadara Extend load balancing will be enabled on VPSA creation

Enforce Drive Add With VC Set

Wether disk drives are automatically added when the VPSA is expanded by additional vc set

Max Capacity In TB

Maximum storage capacity supported by this composite engine type

Max Drives Per Proxy Storage VC

maximum disk drives that can be added to a proxy storage virtual controller

Metadata Partition Size In GB

Size in gigabytes of each Metadata partition

Metadata Partitions Per Proxystorage VC

Metadata partitions allocated for each proxy storage virtual controller

Metadata Policy Partition Power

Swift partition power used for metadata policies for this composite engine type

Minimum VC Sets for Object Storage Creation

Minimum footprint in terms of virtual controller sets for this composite engine type


Composite engine instance type name

Proxy Instance Type

Link to image used for composite proxy instances

Proxy Storage Instance Type

Link to image used for composite storage proxy instances

Setup Partition Size In GB

Allocation size in gigabytes for the composite instance setup partition


A composite engine instance sub-instances properties can be displayed by clicking on the sub-instance image link.
