Understanding Command Center Main Dashboard

Accessing Command Center

To Access command center open you web browser and navigate to the following URL: http://your-ccvm-hostname:8888

In case of first login the cloud administrator user credentials will be provided by Zadara operation after cloud installation. Additional user-ids can be created by the cloud administrator and will receive temporary credentials for initial login via their provided e-mail address.

Command Center Dashboard Overview

Command centers main dashboard was designed to provide Zadara cloud administrators with a centralized viewpoint on their cloud utilization and to perform cloud level operations.

The dashboard is built out of 4 main panels - each monitoring a different key aspect of the cloud infrastructure:

  • The resource utilization panel provides a birds eye view on the core cloud resources utilization such as : vcpus, memory, disks etc.


  • The Network Activity panel provides monitoring data for real time network throughput and utilization.


  • The Drive Utilization panel provides a breakdown of drives by their model and utilization per each.


  • The IP address Utilization panel displays the defined IP ranges for frontend, Backend and heartbeat networks and the level of allocation per each.



    These networks are predefined with fixed ranges of IP addresses and cannot be overlapped with VPSA virtual networks.

Performing Cloud Level Operations

Creating a CCVM Zsnap

To create a zSnap of the cloud controller virtual machine navigate to command centers dashboard, click on the Actions button and select create CCVM zSnap from the drop down menu. On the popup dialog that will appear provide a prefix for the zSnap and click on the Create zSnap button to confirm creation.

Performing cloud version upgrades

Command center allows cloud administrators to orchestrate a complete cloud upgrade workflow including :

  • Storage Nodes software

  • Storage Node utilities

  • VPSA instances running on the cloud

  • VPSA Object Storage instances running on the cloud

  • Cloud controller virtual machine(CCVM)

All elements listed above or any subset of them can be upgraded in a single workflow.

To perform cloud version upgrade navigate to command centers dashboard, click on the Actions button and select Upgrade from the drop down menu. On the cloud upgrade dialog that will appear check the elements you would like to upgrade. When upgrading VPSA object storage you can configure that the upgrade process will not perform Object storage health checks by clicking on Advanced and checking Skip Object Storage Health checks.



The recommended procedure for cloud upgrade is to perform SN (software + Utilities) and CCVM upgrade in a single workflow and
perform VPSA/VPSA Object storage instances upgrade after successful completion of the first workflow.

To confirm the upgrade process click on the Upgrade button.

During cloud upgrade processing the Command Center Dashboard will present the upgrade workflow and status per all stages.



During SN software upgrade ccmaster failover will be performed. At this period CCVM will reboot and Command
center will not be available until reboot is finished - same for CCVM version upgrade.

When upgrade workflow is finished completion will be indicated on the command center dashboard.
